Certified House Whispering Academy Consultants Register
The House Whispering Academy is proud to present the following House Whispering Practitioners who have undertaken the full training and reached a competence in House Whispering and thus qualified to practice. Christian Kyriacou.
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Hi, My name is Nicky Koopmans and since my teenage years, I’m an aware observer of the energies around me.
As a teenager I found out, I processed a lot more information from the environment than my friends did. My world somehow seemed to contain a lot more information than theirs.
I saw analogies and connections between people, places and events, others couldn’t. And when I tried to talk about these experiences, people would tell me I was crazy. I learned to not speak of it.
But I still longed to understand. So I looked for explanations in all different kinds of energywork-trainings and internships with national and international geomancy-experts, shamans and healers. And although I learned loads from these mentors, it did not fully explain my experiences and observations.
Fast forward to 2016…
I met Christian Kyriacou, while he’s giving a ‘random’ workshop I choose to do. He turned out to be the first person I ever met, who seemed to interpret the world in a very similar way as I do. And not only that, but also very much experienced in explaining the why’s and how’s.
You can imagine, I jumped at the opportunity to learn from him. The result of this is that I’m now part of his team as a House Whispering Consultant, ready to facilitate you online or on location.
More information about me and my work you can find on my website https://happyholon.nl/. At the moment, my website is only available in Dutch, but I’m fluent in Dutch, English & German and happy to reply your request in any of those languages.
Good vibes!
Nicky Koopmans
Short Bio
Hello, my name is Solveig Holm.
I am a House Whispering Consultant, Feng Shui Consultant, Reiki Master and a Certified Medium and Spiritual healer.
As long as I can remember I have been sensitive for the energies around us, but for many years it was just hard to feel everything because I couldn’t work with it or really understand it.
Today I look at it like a very precious gift.
For about twenty years ago I started to learn about healing and I started to understand how to work with energies and how much they affect us.
After that I trained for some years in mediumship and my understanding for the spiritworld was a new door opening.
Some years later i find my way to Feng Shui and I went to a school to read to become a Feng Shui Consultant.
During that time my teacher in Feng Shui told me about Christian Kyriacou and his work, and when I find my way to his website and read about all he was doing I knew that this was my way to find my missing tools.
And I became a happy member of the first House Whispering Academy Group, and now I have all the tools I need to work with energies at all levels.
Today I am proud over the work i’m doing and over how much it can help people and change their lifes in a very positive way.
For more information about me and my work and how to contact me please go to my website
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Hello, my name is Joanne Morgan.
I am a House Whispering Consultant, Intuitive Energy Coach, Spiritual Mentor, Teacher, Workshop and Retreat Facilitator. How did I get here?
I became aware of how important energy was in my life at a very young age and I started learning, studying and paying attention to the different nuances of energies that showed up to teach me to listen intuitively within to what needed to be heard. My love of energetics drew me to bring this into my Mentoring and Energetic Life Coaching work with others.
As a Spiritual Psychotherapist and teacher to Psychotherapists-in-training over the past number of years, I came to see there were many aspects of healing beyond the sessions with clients that I had not even considered. A huge awareness and learning curve for me was when I came across Christian Kyriacou The House Whisperer on Facebook one day sharing about his upcoming year-long House Whispering Consultant training program. This is the best course and training I have ever done. It helped me see more deeply the importance of the energy of the spaces we live and work in and how all this plays a crucial part in our well-being. Everyone goes home to somewhere and if the energies are not supportive to us, this can impact our lives in so many ways. Our home is an energetic reflection of our inner home. This is what called me to study with Christian and it has expanded my energetic awareness in ways I had not even imagined. It has really helped me see the powerful transformation that can take place when we are present to what is right in front of us and learn from it. Also, Christian explained everything in a way that I could understand from a deeper intuitive place within me.
Coming home to the Essence of who we are and the fullness of what we are here to be and do and to know this from the ‘inside-out’ is at the heart of my work with others.
I am so very grateful to be part of Christian’s team working as a House Whispering Consultant as well as seeing the truly transformative power of this work in people’s lives.
For more information about who I am and what I do you can find me at: www.joanne-morgan.com
Or connect with me on Facebook Messenger: https://www.facebook.com/public/Joanne-Morgan
Or contact me via email at: jemorgan19@hotmail.com
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Hi, my name is Sandra Bijvoet
Born as a highly sensitive child, with an inquiring and independent mind, I have become very interested in the intangible and the invisible. From an early age I had hoped to develop an understanding of the way of perceiving the world around me. In my teenage years I was aware of the multiple layers of reality which we live in. This awareness made me curious about how our ‘being’ and existence is shaped and thus a true passion for metaphysics was born. As a young teenager I started to study astrology and much more… and after all, the study of our existence never ends.
This special and interesting path that I continue to walk is an infinite process of development and self-reflection. What I have learned over the years is that heart energy is the foundation for my work and studies. A laugh should not be lacking here, for laughter is the language of the angels….
In my work as a coach, healer, reader, metaphysician and lightworker, people are always at the center of my focus and concern. As I have a passion for houses, design and styling too, I was very happy to meet Christian at one of his workshops. I felt an immediate connection to him through his warm and friendly approach, his metaphysical knowledge and his way of working with people and their environment. I did not have to think twice about studying with him. In this way all my passions could merge together with the result that I am now also part of his team of House Whispering Consultants.
For more information please meet me through my website at www.briljantcoaching.nl
I will be happy to work with you.
Do expect miracles and be proud to create them….
A heartfelt salut,
Short Bio
Hello, my name is Margaret Hunt and I am a House Whispering Consultant & Health Kinesiology Practitioner.
I love everything about energy and have always found it a fascinating concept.
Growing up, I just knew that there was more to what I saw and what I was being told, leading me to challenge everything. I had a sense of ‘knowing’ but I had no idea how to explain it to others. For example, when people would talk to me about a problem, although I didn’t know the solution in my conscious mind, an answer would suddenly come straight out of my mouth – and at a deep level, I would know that what I had said was the absolute truth. I always seemed to have a sixth sense and I had felt it throughout my childhood – it was just there, all the time. As I got older, I started to doubt myself, partly because others would not believe what I was saying or thinking, so I simply benched it for many years, but the feeling refused to go. It became increasingly clear that this ‘knowing’ was an integral part of me.
I trained as a Health Kinesiologist in 2007 and found it to be hugely helpful for many of my clients. It’s such a beautiful and gentle therapy, which uses light touch to heal the patterns going on inside the body. However, some clients were coming back to me with the same issues time and time again. I came to realise that the work that we had been doing in the consultation must somehow be coming undone when they went back home or to their places of work. I started exploring different energy therapies, and training courses, so that I could help my clients on a deeper level that would be truly holistic. I soon discovered about how the environment, including our homes and work places, could affect our energy field if they were not in alignment with the internal energy field. I also had experience in various business environments, and it was patently clear to me just how detrimental such energy imbalances could be in the workplace. This realisation was a wonderful discovery for me, because I realised that if this misalignment of outer and inner energies could be corrected then this could lead to a radical improvement in overall wellness (on all levels).
Subsequently, I was fortunate to meet Christian, when one of his students was working on my home, and I was totally bowled over by the information that had come up, and by what my home was telling me, what it needed and what was held within it. I had known deep down that my home was trying to talk to me, that I was missing something – and the consultation had helped me identify what that was – suddenly it all made perfect sense to me. That’s when I realised that this would provide a great leap in helping me to heal my clients, and that this balancing of external and internal energies was what I had been searching for. I was so impressed by the consultation that I enquired about the training. The course was amazing, a real learning curve, that taught me what I needed to know to create a unique approach to healing from the inside out and the outside in.
I am now absolutely convinced that everything we touch, see, feel, and say, inside our homes (and offices etc.) is held energetically within the very structure of those buildings.
If you do not feel ‘at home’, in your home, if you have moved into a home where the previous owners divorced, or if you feel something is just ‘not right’ in your home e.g. your child is not sleeping at night, there are lots of arguments in your home, illness has developed, or you feel compelled to do extensive building renovations then please contact me. Let’s look at the patterns and stories that your home or commercial space has been holding on to. I would love to help you unlock the secrets to transforming your space into a truly happy home or an abundant, successful commercial enterprise.
Website: www.mhlifebalance.co.uk (currently under consultation)
Facebook: Energy Therapies with MHLifebalance
Email: mhlifebalance@gmail.com
Short Bio
Hearing the call of Feng Shui in 1997, I passionately began pursuit of the philosophy, studying with Feng Shui masters including Professor Thomas Lin Yun, James Earl Moser and Denise Linn. In 2016 I believed my stage would be set with the achievement of a professional Feng Shui Staging Certificate through www.fengshuidesigns.com
Quickly discovering something was still missing, I set out on another quest to find the link to mastering the study I began in 1997.
Feng Shui alone does indeed render a home to be in harmony and space clearing will temporarily clean-up negativity. Until the occupant of the space morphs into harmony with the space, patterns will be repeated and peace will not prevail.
The missing link is spacing clearing the occupant of the space . . . from the inside . . . to the outside.
House Whispering provides the avenue. My thanks to Christian Kyriacou for believing in me and providing me with this knowledge.
My intent is to develop “Beautiful Spaces: Feng Shui Design … Harmony & Balance Decorating” along side “Celebrating Space . . . Celebrating You: Discovering the Psychotherapy of Space”
My goal is to be a mentor and a catalyst for you. Want to learn more? Please contact me at celebratingspace@icloud.com
My Web-page: https://beautiful-windows.com/house-whisperings/
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Hello. I am Petros Charicli and my passion is nutrition, healthy living, detoxifying, healing and harmonisation of Space. I am a certified Thai Massage therapist, Reiki therapist and a House Whispering Consultant.
Over the last few years I have come to realise that everything is energy and everything is connected. Everything has a vibration; lifeless objects to living beings. The only difference between us human and everything else is the fact that our vibration is dependent on our choices as we have Free Will, which can alter our level of consciousness and therefore our vibration. We have the ability to raise it and we can also lower it based on these choices.
My vocation is to help guide people transform themselves using a holistic approach. When working with clients I work with them on their sacred trinity; their body mind and spirit as well as their space. I advise them on how and why it’s important to acquire healthy eating habits, doing physical exercises to detoxify the body, working in the mental self to detoxify mental toxicity and the importance of spiritual practices to connect with source. The holistic way of harmonising the sacred trinity of oneself to achieve personal transformation is a fantastic way to change ones level of consciousness and it becomes even more powerful when combined with harmonisation of space using the House Whispering approach.
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I’m Krys Jawlosewicz from Canada.
For nearly 30 years, I’ve been teaching intuitive development, energy medicine and healing classes for adults, as well as working with groups and individual clients.
I am a House Whispering Consultant, Spiritual Teacher, a retired Psychotherapist, Certified Soul Coach®, Spiritual Director, Intuitive Guide, Astrologer, and Certified Natural Healthcare Practitioner.
For as long as I can remember I’ve been aware of energy. An intuitive and sensitive child, I felt like a “psychic sponge”, always picking up feelings, impressions and energies of everyone and everything around me. I saw, heard, felt, sensed and “knew” things, that I wasn’t always able to explain. People, places and things had energy and I felt it!
In my early teens, I began a lifelong quest to study, explore, experience and understand the unseen world. Over the years, I’ve been fortunate to study with some of the leading experts in the fields of spirituality, astrology, energy medicine and metaphysics, which is how Christian Kyriacou entered my life…
I met Christian through a dear colleague who was doing a House Whispering Consultation for me. I liked him from the moment we met, and as I delved deeper into the energy of my home, my life and my story, I learned more than I ever could’ve imagined. Christian was warm, kind, personable, helpful, generous, intuitive beyond belief and so full of knowledge and wisdom that I knew I had to study with him.
The House Whispering Academy programs were among the best I have ever done. I was exposed to metaphysical and esoteric teachings and experiences that have transformed my life and my work.
I believe that our home and space is a mirror reflection of our inner home. What’s happening around us, also exists within us, on some level. As within, so without! The power of this work is truly transformational. One must experience it to know that deep and profound change is possible.
I am honoured to be part of Christian’s team of House Whispering Consultants, and grateful to be of service in this way, at this important time on the planet.
For more information about me, my work and my offerings, including remote or in-person consultations, please contact:
I look forward to being of service and helping you transform your home, your life and your self!
Abundant Blessings,
Short Bio
Over 30 years I have had an award-winning real estate practice. I always say, “I was born to be a realtor, it’s in my DNA”. I’ve owned a successful company, been President of the local Board, Realtor of The Year, and maintained top producer status for years. I would have never guessed that my intuitive and empathic sensitivity would lead me to feeling the story in homes I went to. As a child, teenager, and adult I experienced some unexplained phenomena.
Like most, I just shrugged it off as, “Well, that was weird” And tried not to dwell on it, though I knew I had an unusual sensitivity to this mysterious realm. I made sure I kept GOD, and Jesus close by for protection, not knowing or understanding what this was. I finally accepted it as a gift; No different than those who are gifted in music, sports, or academics. After achieving my Master Reiki certification, the sensitivity in houses became stronger. I realized all my clients referred to a home, or place in a home “Just not feeling right” Or “feels uncomfortable”, oddly where I would feel heavy or unpleasant pressure. When I asked why or what it was, especially when the home seemed exactly what they were looking for, they often said “I don’t know, it just doesn’t feel right”.
Often clients would, also, ask me why a seller was selling. Experienced observations would create a general opinion, but I found myself (surprisingly) giving details. I’d say at the end of my explanation “But, I don’t really know. Just a guess. I will find out”. Later, when checking in with the list agent, I would be amazed to hear the story was as I surmised earlier. I have experienced no logical reason a house would not sell, or for things that happened in houses, or how people found houses (or vice versa). I have become an avid seeker of answers having read hundreds of books written by mystics, energy healers, holy masters, philosophers, physicist, neuroscientist, and bibles of Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and more. I have visited the Hopi, gone on retreat with native spiritual leaders, and continue to obsessively search.
Over the years some of my clients have affectionally called me their “house whisperer”. Increasingly I have more request to help clients find priest for house blessings, to house clear, or even have special ceremonial celebration to say hello or goodbye to a home, I realized there was a void in the real estate profession for these services. As I started to organize this service, I was ecstatic to find Christian online and followed him for a couple of years before taking his class. It has helped me connect the dots, understand the story and energy of the home and how it connects to people (and vice versa), and so much more. I feel more confident and prepared to best serve my clients. And I love having a network of others with common gifts. Christian has giving me the tools and confidence to make my desire to bring this service to the community possible.
Short Bio
Hello, my name is Dina Wood.
I am a Reiki Master Teacher, A House Whispering Consultant, and Energy Healing practitioner who works with people and animals.
Like many people who find their way to this work, I have always been energy sensitive and a quiet observer of energy phenomena. My curiosity about intuitive development and alternative healing led me to learn about Reiki, which then opened me up to other energy healing modalities, house clearings, and animal communication. My approach with clients is to help them recognize their intuitive voice and discernment of truth.
I happened upon Christian’s work after spending a few years doing house clearings and realizing that just clearing a house rarely sticks if you don’t also work with the residents of the home. The energy of our home has such a profound impact on our lives. How we harmonize the energies, why something is out of alignment, and why we attracted a particular location are only a few of the many layers to the stories of our homes. I’m very grateful for the teachings from the House Whispering Academy and the generosity of Christian’s teaching. I carry the lessons from this year of study not only into my work, but also in all aspects of my life.
You can find out more about me at: www.moonvalleyhealing.com