

What is Dowsing?<\/span><\/h3>\n

Dowsing rods or a pendulum are simply tools. Our human body is the instrument and we perceive energy through our physical and subtle senses and the dowsing rods respond to this. So they are for ‘visualising’ the energies being read and felt in a house. This confirmation of the information guides the next stages of space ‘clearing’ and realignment.<\/p>\n

The art of dowsing is very ancient indeed. Some early evidence of dowsing can be found in parts of Germany where dowsing was used to locate veins of mineral ore.\u00a0Georgius Agricola (1494-1555) in his book De re metallica<\/em> (Latin for On the Nature of Metals [Minerals]) described how dowsers searched for ore.<\/p>\n

I was first introduced to dowsing in 1973, with a simple needle and cotton pendulum at a party where I was shown how to determine the sex of a baby in a mothers womb as well as the sequence of male, female children they had. The results were accurate but the sequence of children was not the same for each of them. The truth of what was revealed to the parents was upsetting as she did not know of a child which he had with another woman before they were married.<\/p>\n

Christian is a member and Keynote speaker of the British Dowsers.<\/p>\n<\/div>


Workshop and Training Details<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>


<\/i><\/i><\/span>MODULE 3 \u2022 Dowsing for Life, Geomancy, Geopathic Stress<\/span><\/a><\/h4><\/div>
Understanding and working with etheric\u00a0and earth energies<\/strong><\/p>\n

Dowsing is not only about earth energies, geopathic stress and water,\u00a0but also considers life questions: Health, Wealth, Career, Relationships, etc.<\/p>\n

Life Questions<\/em><\/p>\n

Health, Wealth, Career, Relationships etc.<\/p>\n

Learn to ask any question of the dowsing rods or pendulum, and get an answer.<\/p>\n

No previous experience necessary.

Christian has been working with dowsing for over 20 years and will share his knowledge and experience with clients, houses and the land.<\/p>\n

Watch Dowsing video clips at\u00a0https:\/\/www.thehousewhisperer.tv\/dowsing\/<\/a><\/p>\n


Why Learn to Dowse?
\n<\/strong>Dowsing is the science and art of reading energies. We will learn the language of our instruments \u2013 how to use our bodies, dowsing rods, and a pendulum to enhance our practical and intuitive dowsing skills.<\/p>\n

We will explore questions such as our relationship with our home and workplace. Our home being a reflection of our \u2018inner home\u2019, and consider why we choose to live or work where we do. There is a direct correlation between our environment and our success in life and aspects of this can be measured with dowsing.<\/p>\n

Content:\u00a0<\/strong>We will explore, consider, and become familiar with simple yet powerful ways to read the invisible energies in your home and within yourself, and the relationship between them.<\/p>\n

Connecting with the geomantic energies of the land in the etheric matrix and Akashic field, using physical and metaphysical dowsing techniques, helps us to develop our understanding of the following:<\/p>\n

\nEarth Energies<\/p>\n

\nGeopathic Stress<\/p>\n

\nGeopathic stress, energy lines and leys, including Hartman and Curry grids, in relation to the psycho-spatial aspects of people and their homes<\/p>\n

\nAncestral and Karmic Patterns<\/p>\n

\nSoul Purpose<\/p>\n

\nEtheric Influences in the Environment<\/p>\n

\nSpirits, Ghosts and Paranormal Activity<\/p>\n

\nPhysical and Quantum Levels of Perception<\/p>\n

\nBringing Balance to Your Spaces<\/p>\n


Become familiar with simple yet powerful ways to read the invisible energies in your home and \u00a0 within yourself from physical to the etheric, and understand the relationship between them.<\/p>\n

Geopathic Stress
\n<\/strong>The term \u2018geo\u2019 means earth, and \u2018pathic\u2019 from pathos (suffering) is the Greek word for disease, so geopathic literally means \u2018dis-ease of the earth\u2019. Geopathic energy is a natural quality and earth dynamic, so not a problem in itself. When buildings are constructed over geopathic areas, the vibrational interaction leads to fragmentation of the energy fields, giving rise to discomfort or stress. For the wellbeing of the land and her people, geopathic energies and electro-magnetic fields should be considered when locating and designing buildings. Simply don\u2019t build over them!<\/p>\n

Atomic patterns and energy forces surround us all the time in the form of a fine global geometric network, interrelated to the etheric matrix counterpart of geopathic energies inherent in the earth. As with vortexes, various energy lines, leys and earth grids embodied in the land can be harnessed for their positive aspects or avoided owing to detrimental effects. In places where the earth grids and natural energy flows have been disturbed or become fragmented, this again disrupts the land. The resultant interference to our electro-sensitive mental and physio\u00adlogical patterning, levels of perception and reasoning, then causes an overload on our systems and our brains go into scramble mode.<\/p>\n

He will illuminate how geopathic stress, both at physical and metaphysical level, holds the energy matrix of our intentions and karmic ancestral programmes, thus our home can be our greatest healer and guide to life.<\/p>\n

Landscape chakras
\n<\/em><\/strong>Identify and feel these swirls or vortexes of energy that some people call chakra points in the land, which vary in intensity, quality and direction of flow. The function of a chakra is akin to a transformer; its purpose is to transpose high vibrational energy from the etheric fields into a lower vibration, compatible with the frequencies of the Earth. The lower harmonic energies can then nourish the physical body, while the higher frequencies activate our higher spiritual centres. Energy is of little value unless it can be harnessed within a frequency bandwidth for a specific purpose. Chakra energy thereby transposes or rearranges itself through interaction with corresponding centres of the human body. Any blockages will prevent the full nourishing cosmic power from being absorbed. This means that the Earth can gift a building an emotion, a positive spin energy charge or chakra point.<\/p>\n

Resolving problem issues in homes and buildings
\n<\/strong>Sometimes a house or work place just does not feel right, as if something strange is out of balance. Some areas may feel uncomfortable or cold, sticky and thick like treacle, and may even give you a sick feeling or a headache.<\/p>\n

Is the building stressed-out or traumatised? What happened in that space before you arrived? Where is the heart centre located and does the building have a soul?<\/p>\n

We will learn how to read the space and perceive how unseen energies reflect an owner\u2019s or company\u2019s belief systems and subconscious patterns, affecting those who live and work there.<\/p>\n

Psychotherapeutic Regression
\n<\/strong>Using our minds and bodies as instruments to identify and connect with \u2018stuck\u2019 earth and etheric energies, we can clear and release energetic debris in buildings. Through Psychotherapeutic Regression, any soul fragments can be gathered together and taken back to zero point. This is done by clearing, re-aligning and reconnecting the building to its original blueprint, so that it remembers its original purpose. We will identify when a new function is needed, and learn how a new code can be programmed into its core memory.<\/p>\n

Christian will also share his experience of Geomancy using physical and metaphysical dowsing techniques. Connecting the geomantic energies of the land with the etheric matrix and Akashic field helps us to understand some of the energies we come across.<\/p>\n

Tuning up our instrument and Dowsing with Harmonics
\n<\/strong>For effective dowsing, our physical, mental and emotional bodies need to be in tune \u2013 as people, we are the instruments for dowsing and the devices we use are the tools. By ensuring the highest possible frequencies within us, we can serve others and the land in a more efficient and powerful way, thus ensuring our dowsing work achieves the most beneficial outcome.<\/p>\n

This module will introduce the harmonics of the universe, the sacred geometry of life. The sound of a room or building will change depending on the matrix of energies at play: vibrations emanating from the earth as well as the cosmos.<\/p>\n

Experience the transformational power of the sacred instruments and the human voice.<\/p>\n

Tune into the nature of inter-dimensional spaces and the quality of earth energy lines and vortexes through their harmonic imprint.<\/p>\n

Discover the blueprint of different earth energies and learn how to make changes using harmonics.<\/p>\n

Feel how coming into alignment with natural law allows resolution of the most \u2018negative\u2019 of earth energies.<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>
