Architects Academy
Epigenetic Architecture: The Consciousness Matrix of Buildings – Genetic Architecture®
How architecture and our environment influence and shape our lives. An integrative approach to designing buildings as vibrant, healthy spaces. Fusing ancient knowledge into contemporary design for building and living. Designing to principles of nature to support life force chi for raising consciousness and enhancing physical nourishment. Considering the energetic factors which influence the quality of space – the Heart and Soul of buildings.
‘Where the winds of heaven blow, where spirits possess the land and greet kindly, or unkindly, the various sorts of people that settle in it.’ Plato
The DESIGN PROCESS for creating Conscious Buildings and Sovereign Community Trusts
Villages, Towns and Cities
Honouring ancient principles, the 12 Light-Codes of creation, as set out by Plato and other enlightened beings, fusing elements of Vaastu, Feng Shui and the knowledge of many ancient cultures.
The 9 stages of architectural design of buildings and communities, to be in harmony with nature considering sacred geometry, the natural energies of the land and our relationship to the natural world of ‘invisible’ energies, for the ultimate health of buildings and people.
1.1: The Guardians of the Spirit of Place – Guarding the Gateways
They embody the subtle energies embedded at the entrance of areas of land and must be given consideration. If there is no permission given to enter, then this can cause major issues in the process of a development.
The guardians of the gateways embody the subtle energies embedded in the land and must be consulted before any development work commences.
Further Details see Module 15 in The House Whispering Academy
1.2: Geomancy, Geopathic Stress, Archaeology of the Site
Geomantic Land Survey Mapping – Dowsing the natural earth energy grids and vortexes to identify energies which can enhance or devastate our health. These include Hartmann, Curry and Ley Lines etc.
Cosmic Shards and Other negative energies impacting land.
The quality of energy on a building site is affected by many factors including Geopathic stress from within the earth. From above we have galactic influences including ‘cosmic shards’ which cause a negative impact on land and thus not to be built upon for living.
Further Details see Module 3 in The House Whispering Academy
1.3: Electromagnetic Considerations
Our bodies have delicate electrical pathways which can be devastated by electromagnetic fields and cause major illnesses including cancer, MS and ME (chronic fatigue syndrome). Conscious design can reduce the negative harmful energies affecting the land and buildings such as from power lines, sub-stations or from electrical equipment within the home: transformers, televisions, computers, clock radios, electrical wiring, cell phones etc.
Further Details see Module 8 in The House Whispering Academy
1.4: Resonance and Memory of Building Materials – Ectropy or Entropy
The natural qualities of various materials used each have different vibrational energy signatures which determine their life force. Thus the conscious energy value of a building either sustains or destroys life force chi. Working with combinations of organic fractal materials for maximising the chi energy charge in our buildings optimises the natural flow and creates positive ordering, or against the flow creates friction and wasted kinetic energy, affecting people for good or bad.
Building materials hold memory of where they came from and who handled them in the process of manufacture. For example, in a recent case of a house in Georgia, Savannah, the bricks of a house (Savanna Greys) were made by slaves. The emotional imprint could be felt leaving the new owner of the house feeling uncomfortable.
Further Details see Module 6 in The House Whispering Academy
1.5: Sick Building Syndrome
This not only results from the physical materials used and electromagnetic fields from air processing and heating installations. The combination of invisible atmospheric and earth energy forces has a significant effect on healthy spaces.
Further Details see Module 8 in The House Whispering Academy
1.6: Kinesiology
Testing the energetic effects of various building materials on our personal fields.
The energetic effects of various building materials on our personal energy fields can be tested by techniques such as kinesiology. The benefits of choosing materials for low impact on health, together with minimising the damaging effects of electromagnetic stress can be demonstrated.
Further Details see Module 8 in The House Whispering Academy
1.7: Knowing the Site
Sleeping overnight at the site or house to be worked on is a valuable way of getting to know its inner knowledge. Dreams which arise from the land and consciousness of the building can guide us in the design of what will best serve the land and the client, and thus those who use it.
In the human co-creation of reality, a building is a living organism with conscious presence which requires honouring and listening to! How we feel in our buildings ultimately affects our wellbeing and goes far beyond the physical, material and visual 3-D elements of design and construction.
Further Details see Module 1 in The House Whispering Academy
2.2: The Correlation between Buildings and People
Our spaces reflect our inner subconscious thoughts, feelings, emotions and belief patterns. This aspect looks at the correlation of people with the energetic atmosphere of their homes and environment. Our homes are the mirror of our soul.
2.3: Soul-less Buildings – do you feel ‘at home’ where you live?
We often hear about buildings being Soul-less. This is because they have no Soul. We explore the cause of this and how it can be changed. Can the use of the element of water be used to ‘baptise’ a building? What allows us to feel ‘at home’ and in resonance with where we live?
2.4: Ki (Energy) Signature and Harmonic Code
Exploring the core software programming of buildings and how an architect can influence and change this blueprint: a fusion of past and present purpose in terms of the function of the building and the land.
2.5: The Sweet Spot – the Core Essence of a Building and Land
All buildings and land have a seed point which holds the coded essence of the consciousness of that building. Finding and working with it is a powerful generator for change.
2.6: What constitutes Healthy Space?
Space Clearing and Alignment – The process of reading the energetic blueprint of a space and finding resolution may involve the psychotherapeutic regression of the space to bring it into alignment with present function and purpose. This will maintain the highest levels of chi to benefit the project.
Further Details see Module 2 in The House Whispering Academy
2.7: The Seven Liberal Arts
Ancient Greece, as well as the medieval cathedral schools such as at Chartres in France, held the teachings of Plato and the study of the Seven Liberal Arts to be a fundamental spiritual path: the Trivium – Grammar, Rhetoric and Dialectic; and the Quadrivium – Arithmetic, Astronomy/Astrology, Music and Geometry. The classical Greek architects were trained in music and spatial resonance, sacred geometry and geomancy. The study of how these principles fed into and expressed themselves in architecture, musical harmonies and the law of octaves, as well as various healing systems, established a deeper understanding of the universal laws of nature. In accordance with the Platonic maxims of goodness, truth and beauty, our ancestors were nourishing their most valuable resource, their people.
The correlation between architecture and musical ratios, harmonic and geometric proportions; so that a building can resonate as a musical instrument. As Pythagoras says, “There is geometry in the humming of the strings… there is music in the spacing of the spheres.”
3.2: The Golden Mean and Fibonacci
3.3: Earth Grid and Morphic Field Resonance
The natural earth grid holds the consciousness and intelligence of the planet within the unified field. Activating the key node points of a building through ‘ceremony’ enables its musical harmonic to resonate around the globe.
3.4: Bio-Organic Architecture and Life Force Charge
As nature designs to pure geometry for holding the charge to sustain life force, this can be reflected in architecture for maximising the wellbeing of people.
3.5: Resonant Acoustic Frequency of Buildings and Spaces
Exploring the effects of vibrational frequencies on the molecular structure of materials and spaces.
3.6: Yin/Yang
The principles of balance and harmony are exemplified in the yin and yang. Working with the dynamic weave of the masculine and feminine energies in a building brings nourishment to support and enhance life. This is conveyed in the geometry of the pentagram and hexagram.
3.7: Fragmented Spaces, Killer Attics and Traumatic Spaces
Geometries which are out of harmonic resonance cause fragmentation of the energy fields, and can damage our health and create illness. Creating geometries of natural forms can even prevent a life or death situation.
3.8: Crop Formation Geometries
Crop formations are 3-dimensional geometries which translate to musical harmonics.
Further Details see Module 6 in The House Whispering Academy
In the same way as we find chakras in the landscape, can a building have an emotion, a chakra point?
4.2: Personal Chi Levels
These can be optimised by factors already discussed and may include protection from negative energies.
4.3: Buildings that Breathe
Designing buildings to allow them to energetically ‘breathe’ will allow the occupants to do the same. The natural flow of atmospheric energies when in right alignment to the site and the building can enhance the experiential value.
4.4: Buildings that Pulse – the Heartbeat
The rhythm of a building is its heartbeat. The repetition of building elements such as columns can set the rhythmic pulse in alignment with the energy of the earth, thus enhance the natural health aspects for the occupants.
4.5: Buildings that Sing
The thread of life running through a building creates its story – the melodic line within the harmony. How does this relate to its occupants, both past and present?
4.6: Colour
The vibrational qualities of colour affect our outlook, wellbeing and health. Each of us responds differently depending on our own energy fields and chakra balance. A building responds in much the same way. There are no hard and fast rules or formulas for the perfect colours. My approach for choosing colours is based on the direct response of the land, the building and the individual people in residence.
Further Details see Module 11 in The House Whispering Academy
5.1: Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra
A simple but powerful introduction to the fundamental principles of Chinese and Vedic (Indian) systems, with over 5,000 years of knowledge base, can be applied to homes to enhance the areas of life you wish to address including health, relationships, wealth, career etc.
5.2: Landscape Form School Principles
This is the traditional feng shui concept of the relationship between land and buildings, widely used in many cultures but mostly in China. These principles, known as the art of placement, consider the balance of mountains, hills, streams and lakes etc. The location and orientation of buildings within the landscape is a powerful generator of energy both for the property and the occupants.
5.3: Astrological Alignment of a Building and Site
Astrological systems such as Flying Star in feng shui and 9 Star Ki, which gives the life signature of a building and the site, can also be most useful in the design process.
5.4: The 16 Energy Gates
A building can be designed for best alignment to one of 16 compass orientations. As time moves on, the physical entrances, or etheric gateways and portals, may need to be adjusted to align with maximum atmospheric energy flow. Knowing where the gates of energy are entering both now and in the future will allow the design to accommodate this.
5.5: The 5 Elements
Working with the physical and subtle elements of water, wood, fire, earth and metal optimises the nourishing and destructive cycles.
5.6: Water Dragons
Locating and working with natural flows of visible or underground ‘water dragon’ energy flows will empower the energy of the site. The affect created by lakes and ponds will depend on their orientation to the building.
5.7: Cosmic Shards and Other negative energies impacting land.
The quality of energy on a building site is affected by many factors including geopathic stress from within the earth. From above we have galactic influences including ‘cosmic shards’ which cause a negative impact on land and thus not to be built upon for living.
5.8: Comparative Mythology
Considering how various cultures and civilisations express the same principles in differing ways according to their time and place in history. Our ancient forefathers worked with universal principles that varied only in the outer expression and interpretation of their era.
Further Details see Module 5 in The House Whispering Academy
Geomantic Land Survey Mapping involves dowsing the natural earth energy grids and vortexes to identify energies which can enhance or devastate our health. These include Hartmann, Curry and Ley Lines.
6.2: GeoBiology – What on Earth is Going On?
Similarly, it is important to assess the quality of the soil and identify what energy lines are running deeper down in the veins of the earth.
6.3: The Art and Science of Dowsing
Learn simple but powerful physical and energetic techniques using L-rods, pendulums and one’s own bodily senses. Feel and tune into the different earth energies at various sites in order to develop a greater relationship to the earth and the land, including natural forms and trees.
6.4: Honouring the Spirit of the Land
Is the earth giving permission for the project to go ahead? If the answer is ‘yes’ then this can assist the entire process from the design, obtaining planning permissions through to an efficient construction process, benefiting all concerned. If the earth says ‘no’, the entire process can be marred with planning refusals and delays, all too common in the construction industry.
6.5: Predecessor Energy
Past actions leave residual memory, therefore whatever has happened on the land or within a building will leave an imprint, which can influence the success of a project and the health and emotional wellbeing of future occupants. Illnesses, including cancer, can affect current residents if someone who previously lived there suffered the same illness. We sometimes hear the phrase ‘house of divorce’ or ‘unhappy house’.
6.6: Acknowledging the Ancestors
Events of past generations such as battle, trauma and even murder, leave scars deep in the psyche of the land, buildings and people. Activities and even thoughts will leave imprints on the land, so it is important to acknowledge the ancestors and bring any unresolved issues to resolution.
6.7: Memory in the Fields
Even though a building may have been raised to the ground, memory still remains in the energy fields. Sites which have been bomb or trauma damaged will hold vibrational patterns, left over scars, unless cleared. The ripple effect left in the etheric matrix of space has consequences, whereby future occupants will experience this memory, which can keep the site in a negative emotion and possibly lead to similar disasters!
6.8: Blueprints of Disaster
Do NOT build on damaged land. Is it truly virgin land?
Further Details see Modules 2, 11, 15 in The House Whispering Academy
Designing a new house or commercial building includes the principles above of geomancy, sacred geometry and feng shui, including the choice of materials, colours and finishes. The power of these principles when adapted to contemporary projects can only benefit the various design and build processes.
7.2: Locating a Building
The location of various elements in a proposed design can either help or hinder the initial acquisition of a project, the design and town planning process, construction and ongoing use, and even the final sale or rental of the property. Therefore building zones should be located for the most propitious health and wellbeing.
7.3: Energies out of Balance
Unbalanced or fragmented energies, which can cause paranormal activity and other psychic energies, can influence and hinder the design, planning authority applications and construction process. Energies out of balance can hinder the entire build and construction process.
7.4: Paranormal Activity
Consideration must be given to paranormal and other psychic energies which can influence the design, planning authority applications and the construction process.
7.5: Change of Use
What is rarely considered is to ask the earth, or the spirit of the building, if it wants to change – a basic psychotherapeutic approach!
7.6: Town Planning Local Authority Phase
Issues encountered with Local Authority planners can often be attributed to the energetics of the land, and particularly by what has happened there before. For example, the traditional battle lines drawn up between neighbours and local councillors can often be a reflection of past trauma on the land or in existing buildings. Consider this – in the case of converting an existing building, if the soul of a building does NOT want to be split up and fragmented, it will express itself through the people who oppose the planning application!
Further Details see Modules 4, 5 in The House Whispering Academy
From conception to the final tuning of the finished building, the architect must hold the vision of the original design concept in mind during the construction process to allow the energetic fields containing the memory of the completed building to evolve into physical manifestation for the highest potential for success. This enables the build to proceed at greatest efficiency throughout every level and every trade.
8.2: Ground Breaking and Other Ceremonies
Setting a precedent of right approach to honour the land before construction work begins. Gratitude is great attitude. Various ceremonies should be carried out throughout the entire construction process
8.3: Space Clearing Alignment
This will maintain the highest levels of chi to benefit the project team. Energies out of balance can hinder the entire build and construction process.
8.4: Activating the Energy Fields
For a building to come ‘alive’ and achieve its full potential, the etheric geometric energy fields can be activated by energizing the molecular structures.
8.5: Tuning the Building and the Land
Tuning up the building and the land like a musical instrument will maintain the highest level of vibration and clarity of purpose. As the etheric fields are geometrical in nature, the correct alignment will enable smoother flows of energy within the physical and etheric structures.
8.6: The End Product
A happy and healthy building serves the needs of its occupants at all levels – physical, emotional and spiritual. Happy Molecules and Happy Bricks make Happy People!
Further Details see Modules 2, 6, 14 in The House Whispering Academy
For the building to come ‘alive’ and achieve its full potential, the etheric geometric energy fields can be activated by energizing the molecular structures. Happy Molecules!
9.2: Tuning the Building and the land like a musical instrument
Tuning up the building and the land like a musical instrument will maintain the highest level of vibration and clarity of purpose for efficient running at an energetic level. As the etheric fields are geometrical in nature, the correct alignment of these fields will enable smoother flows of energy within the physical and etheric structure.
9.3: The End Product
A happy and healthy Building serves all levels and needs of its occupants – physical, emotional and spiritual. Happy Molecules are Happy Bricks!
Further Details see Modules 2, 14 in The House Whispering Academy