Light Whispers Intensive
House Whispering Course: 8 Webinars
27th May to 15th July 2025
Tuesdays 7pm – 8:30pm
8 House Whispering Webinars to get you started
with House Whispering, Space Clearing and more in understanding your intimate relationship with home. Easy to absorb, yet a depth of knowledge.
All sessions are recorded and available for
unlimited online playback.
8 Modules of 1.5 hours each session.
7pm – 8:30pm UK time – Fee £385
To check availability, please email me at
I will contact you to confirm a place and to arrange payment.
The 8 Modules
Module 1 • The Heart of Home
Discovering your Relationship with the Heart of Home
Do you feel at home where you live? Did you choose your home’ or did it choose you?
Module 2 • Space Clearing & Alignment
“If the heart of a house is free from fragmented energies, then we can align to our higher purpose”
The clarity of the space in our homes will enable us to embrace a healthier emotional connection within ourselves as well as with others at all levels. When the heart of a house is free from fragmented energies, we can align to our higher purpose.
Module 3 • Dowsing, Geomancy, Geopathic Stress
Understanding and working with etheric and earth energies. Dowsing is not only about earth energies, geopathic stress and water, but also considers life questions: Health, Wealth, Career, Relationships, etc. Learn the basic tools to get you started.
Module 4 • Spirit Release & Paranormal Activity
We will explore the language of the ‘other’ worlds, ranging from the simple lost spirit, gentle ghost, to more malevolent negative energies. Learn how to recognise and tap into these energies that exist in the universe.
Module 5 • Feng Shui Principles, Form School, Symbology
We will explore the fundamental principles of Feng Shui. We explore what really works and why.
Module 6 • Sacred Geometry, Harmonics and the Alchemy of Space
Sacred Geometry, Nature and the Alchemy of Space.
‘A Sacred Building is a Harmonic Structure for the Transformation of the Soul. Its purpose is to remind us of our true essence and absolute connection to the universe.’
Module 7 • Personal Transformation, Meditation
The power of meditation or any other energy modality depends on one’s personal connection to the ultimate source. We all have access to an unlimited ocean of potential if our physical, mental and spiritual bodies are clear.
Module 8 • Healthy Homes
Awareness of dangers in the home and solutions for Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs), Electro-smog, Personal Health, Healthy Spaces, Health giving foods and plants.
Enhance Your Health
Raise your Immune System
Explore: Feng Shui, Dowsing, Sacred Geometry, Sound, Music, Life Issues and Solutions