In a small suburban town in Pennsylvania, USA, I experienced a strange incident of memory replay whilst sitting in a local restaurant. As three men burst in through the double swing saloon doors, my body was immediately drawn into a defence position. The central man stood hands on hips, the other two on either side and slightly behind him. I did a double take as I watched him weigh-up the place, looking slowly from side to side as if searching for his victims. Drawn into a time portal from the past, I could see him dressed in dark period costume from the days of hunting out women whose powers were considered a threat. Yes, he was a ‘witch finder’. As our eyes met, we both recognised and knew his purpose. For a moment there might have been a fight, a chase or even death in the air. Breaking the locked gaze and snapping back into current time, all three men walked on past to the food counter at the rear, where each ordered a slice of angel cake and glass of fire water.
Extract from The House Whisperer Book page 78
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