Ep.1 26 Year Anniversary of House Whispering
26 Year Anniversary of House Whispering: 16th October 2021 run-time 1 hour
How it all started, our relationship to home, and more…
Ep.2 Becoming Barbara
Becoming Barbara 2nd November 2021 run-time 14:46
A new relationship benefits from moving to another home together. What happens when a new person moves into a partner’s home where they had a previous relationship? In this episode, we see the devastating effects where the new partner took on the previous wife’s pattern, so she became a replica of the man’s previous wife Barbara who died. The new female partner also took on the same illness.
Ep.3 SPIRIT RELEASE & Paranormal Activity 21st November 2021 run-time 1 hour
Christian shares his 26 years’ experience of working with stuck spirit energies. It is not about ghost-busting, but about identifying and releasing with love and compassion, thus ultimate healing for all.
Mix of video and still images…
SOUL Purpose ~ with Caroline Carey
Have you ever heard whispers in your house? Christian Kyriacou listens as a career!