Talking With Series Ω Ancient Wisdom for Contemporary Life

Heart to Heart conversations with People, Teachers and Elders about Life, Philosopy and the Universe

Leo Rutherford on The Medicine Wheel

Andrea Harrn – Mood Cards

Speaking with Andrea Harrn, psychotherapist and creator of the Mood Cards: see more at:

Andrea Harrn MA is a psychotherapist, intuitive healer and expert in cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness. She runs her own successful practice in East London using an integrative approach to therapy which combines western science with eastern philosophy. Her work over the last fifteen years has helped hundreds of people find truth, clarity, balance, acceptance, meaning, forgiveness, peace, love and happiness in their lives.

Watch other ‘Talking With’ episodes at:

Juliette Bryant on Soul Nutrition

Natural Medicines for Soul Evolution

Juliette shares her experience and Soul Journey with her path of Nutrition

Sika Rose on Life, Music, Culture and the Didgeridoo

Sika Rose shares his experiences and Soul Journey with the aboriginal culture, music and the didgeridoo

Jo Galloway on Finding Ancestral ‘Home’

Jo was adopted as a small baby and has always been drawn to live in the New Forest.

As an adult she ends up living in the New Forest, and unbeknown to her discovers that she moved to a house just 2 miles from her birth mother!

Our Ancestral DNA threads run deep in the cellular memory of our subconscious, seeking true home.

More about Jo Galloway at:

Weavers Ancestral Imprint

Caroline Rose tells of her early years as a weaver and then later discovers that she was brought up in a Weavers Cottage as a child!

It is a typical story of the ‘law of attraction’. A pattern often running in the sub-conscious, in the genetic blueprint of a person which attracts them to a house (her parents in this case) or into a profession which may not truly have been their choice. Caroline felt compelled to become a weaver but was unaware of the history of the weavers who previously lived in the cottage, or that the cottage was known locally as ‘Weavers Cottage’. The silent programmes running in the imprint of a house can influence people more than they might imagine.

Other stories of matching life patterns can be found in my Book ‘The House Whisperer’

James D’Angelo

Talking with my friend and professional colleague, James D’Angelo on Life, Philosophy and the Universe.

The essence of stripping layers of illusion to reveal true self.
Realising who we are not, allows us to get to see who we truly are.

happiness, chakras, meditation, mantra, the harmonic choir, music of angels, angelic beings, soul journey, alignment with original code, Whirling Dervishes, Ouspensky, Van Gogh Life of the monk Thomas Merton, Dr Rolls.

More about James D’Angelo

James’s music album – The Holy City on Gothic Records

Marco – Living in a Converted Railway Station

Talking with Marco about his experience of living in a converted railway station.

Don Conreaux – Gong Consciousness

Sharing life experiences with friend and gong master Don Conreaux at Gaunts House Summer Gathering 2016.

Watch other ‘Talking With’ episodes at:

